Spread Some Kindness in Your City

by Jorge A. Gonzalez, PA 02/25/2019

It’s no accident that Random Acts of Kindness week falls in the same month as Valentine’s Day. During entire the month of February, everyone is invited to participate in spreading random acts of kindness to everyone with whom they come into contact. This Valentine's holiday, skip the flowers and chocolate and give your time and energy to making someone feel a whole lot of love.

Deliver handmade Valentine's Day cards to a local Nursing Home.

Many lonely older adults don't get regular visitors inside nursing homes. Show the residents that you care for them by making a handmade card and delivering it personally. You can get the kids to jump on board with this by allowing them to draw pictures on the outside of the cards. On the inside, write a simple note letting the person know that they are loved and cared about. When you've finished with the cards, set aside a few hours to hand-deliver them and meet a few new faces. Your simple act of kindness will make a huge difference in someone's life.

Take someone new in your neighborhood on a tour of your city. 

At some point, everyone has experienced what it’s like to navigate a new city. If you’ve noticed some new faces in your neighborhood, take the opportunity to make them feel welcome by showing them some of your local favorites. You could take them to your favorite restaurant, shopping mall, or place for local entertainment. This basic act of kindness will not only help your neighbors feel at home but will also give you the opportunity to make several new friends.

Start a fundraiser for a local organization.

Instead of spending money on a high-dollar Valentine's dinner, make an investment in a local charity. Choose a non-profit organization that is close to your heart. For example, if you believe strongly in education, call your local elementary school, and give a generous donation toward children's lunch debt. Other places you can donate to are homeless shelters, food banks, family resource centers, and animal shelters. Invite your friends and family to come alongside you in your mission to spread kindness. 

Be kind to yourself.

It is sometimes easier to spread kindness to others rather than extending it to yourself. Be kind to yourself by doing something that makes you happy. This loving activity could be as simple as going for a walk to clear your mind, taking a day trip to do something you enjoy, thinking positively about your life, or treating yourself to something nice. It's important to set aside a special time each day to love yourself and appreciate the life you have. Before you truly can show love to others, you must first be able to love yourself. 

Spend time and energy this month spreading love and kindness to everyone around you. Invite your neighbors to join your mission of spreading kindness this month and make a significant impact in your community. If you're new to your community, your real estate professional can refer you to charities in your new home town.

About the Author

Jorge A. Gonzalez, PA

Jorge Gonzalez and his “Team Dad of Eight" will help you sell your home in a way that accomplishes your personal and financial goals by making the best use of technology to create massive market exposure and secure the highest price and best terms for the sale of your home in the shortest possible time.